OUR STRONGERMAN BIBLE INSTITUTE (SBI)was opened january 1, 2006 This school was originally called THE SCHOOL OF THE BIBLE (SOTB), and was in operation for a number of years during the 1990s. The school was closed for a season by the leading of the Lord, but in January, 2006, it was re-organized, re-named and re-launched as a 2 year school designed to prepare men and women for successful full-time ministry. After seven years of operation, in January of 2013, the school was formally and officially transitioned over to become the first Rhema Bible Training Center in the Philippines, operating under the guidelines and supervision of Rhema USA, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. When that happened, the SBI was not dissolved, but instead was also transitioned to become MKMI’s graduate school of study, where RBTC graduates can further their studies if they wish to remain under the apostolic covering of MKMI. Specifically, the SBI’s purpose now is to train and prepare its graduates for inclusion into the MKMI ministry as licensed and ordained ministers. The school’s platform and educational philosophy, established in 2006, remains the same, and now applies to both the RBTC and the SBI.


 1. Our emphasis: CHALLENGE

a. go beyond your abilities

b. exceed your own expectations

c. think in unlimited terms

2. Our requirement: COMMITMENT

a. Financial (sacrifice)

b. Physical (availability)

c. Emotional (team attitude – unselfishness)

d. Spiritual (diligence)

3. Our goal: PREPAREDNESS  

Defined: Noun: the state of having been made ready or prepared for use or action (especially military action).

a. Graduation

b. Bearing fruit that abounds and remains.


Our educational philosophy:Working under the banner of MKMI as a licensed or ordained minister is a great honor and privilege that is reserved only for those who are willing to commit themselves to the same standard of excellence that Apostle Mike holds himself to. Therefore, this opportunity is only open to the select few who qualify – either by graduation from Rhema Bible Training Center – Ozamiz city, or by distinguishing themselves for God through years of proven, fruitful and faithful work in full-time ministry.

Our emphasis on challenge:Jesus said that all things are possible for those who believe (Mark 9:23). We challenge you to believe that, and use your faith for the impossible! Nothing is too hard for God (luke 1:37), and in this graduate school, we will emphasize the weapon of your free will, and challenge you to explore and realize your vast potential to accomplish great things for Jesus.

Our requirements for financial commitment:We expect you to understand the importance of making spiritual investments for the future success of your ministry under the MKMI banner, and the importance of financial integrity. Therefore, we expect you to pay your financial obligations to the school on time, and graduate from the SBI with all tuition debt paid in full. Graduation diplomas will not be given if your situation is otherwise at the time you complete your course of studies.

Our goal for each SBI graduate:Our goal for you as an SBI graduate is to see you carry the MKMI banner of excellence, discipline and passion forward in such a way as to give great honor and glory to God, to Jesus and to the Holy Spirit. To win many souls to Christ, disciple believers, bring healing & comfort to multitudes, and fulfill your high and holy ministry calling from the Lord – so that on the day of your judgment, you will hear the Lord say to you: “Well done, good and faithful servant”.


KNOW THOSE WHO LABOR AMONG YOU (1 Thessalonians 5:12)

The SBIF was organized and implemented to address the responsibility to protect and oversee the spiritual well-being of our field pastors, graduates and Christian workers. With so many false teachers and false teachings in circulation today, the SBIF was established to take the basic subjects and courses taught in our RBTC and SBI schools, and go into the field to provide our pastors and leaders short-term classes and courses that will help them stay spiritually sharp, and in-step with what Apostle Mike and the rest of the staff and faculty of the RBTC and SBI are teaching. Since our field personnel are, for the most part, unable to come to Ozamiz city and sit in classes for extended periods of time, we now take these short-term courses to them, where in the comfort of their own church, we can teach them and help them with any questions they may have in regards to doctrine, theology and ministry.

This enables us to work with the Holy Spirit to know those who carry the banner of MKMI, so that our name, integrity and spiritual reputation are protected, and there is basic uniformity with what we are believing and teaching from top to bottom throughout our schools and churches. SBIF’s are held throughout the country, several times a year in locations that give our workers in those areas the chance to come and attend without placing upon them an unusual burden concerning travel expenses or local ministry responsibilities. Licensed and ordained ministers under MKMI must attend at least one such SBIF annually, as a pre-requisite for having their ministry credentials renewed. We want all of our pastors and workers to be on the same page theologically, so-to-speak, and attending an area SBIF gives us and them the chance to study and review the basic tenets of our faith, and the core Word-of-Faith theology that is the foundation for the entire MKMI ministry.


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