Regular monthly support is vital for the ongoing needs of this ministry. To that end, I’m asking for people who love this work to commit to giving MKMI one dollar a day in financial support. That would be $365 annually. Only one small dollar a day! If you can sacrifice one dollar a day to helping MKMI win thousands in crusades, encourage hundreds of leaders in conferences, reach thousands with TV, and establish a national church network that is on the cutting edge of what God is doing in the Philippines, designate your support and send it to our Tucson office. You can give this as a one-time annual gift, or monthly if you prefer. Just tally up the number of days in each month, and that will be your monthly seed gift amount sown to MKMI. Thank you for being generous with just one dollar each day. If everyone who reads this would do just that, we would be able to do so much more for the gospel in the Philippines.
The Philippines is a country that sees more natural or man-made disasters than almost any other country on earth. Volcanic eruptions. Massive flooding. Mudslides. Earthquakes. Super Typhoons. Rebel attacks. Terrorism. You name it, and the Philippines gets it! MKMI has created a special fund which consists of donations and accumulated funds that can be used at a moment’s notice to aid and assist our churches or personnel whenever disaster strikes. We realize there are many large, international relief organizations like the Red Cross that can help stricken victims in a general, public way, but this fund we’ve created is solely for the assistance and aid needed for our ministry’s personnel and churches nationwide – not the general public. We want to be ready to go at a moment’s notice whenever our people cry out for help from some catastrophe or disaster. If you would like to help us build a cash reserve that we can use to help and assist our people when they need it, please designate your gifts for DISASTER RELIEF, and that is where those funds will go to be used whenever necessary.
You can help us renovate, repair and refurbish our headquarters compound, BUILDING BY BUILDING. Our 4-story dormitory has been finished, praise God, but our four older buildings are in desperate need of attention. They’re falling apart in many places, due to over 20 years of use, weather wear-and-tear, and termite damage. These buildings include our conference center, our staff office, our staff house and our home with guest quarters. Please help us prepare for the future growth of MKMI, and the next generation of ministry leaders by making a generous contribution towards the repair and renovation of these buildings. We are believing God for BUILDING BY BUILDING partners who can give a $1,000 or more gift to help us get these buildings repaired and ready for the future. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Please designate your gifts for the BUILDING BY BUILDING COMPOUND RENOVATION PROJECT, and we’ll be sure to earmark your support for that purpose.