The Bible says that the backslider will be filled with his own ways. (Proverbs 14:14). When people fall away from the Lord, their lives begin to struggle. Even if things are going well on the outside, deep down in their hearts, they know things aren’t right, and need to be adjusted. In their hearts, people who were once on fire for the Lord are restless and maybe even miserable – because they have already tasted of God’s goodness, and are not walking in fellowship with Him anymore.

If you were once on fire for the Lord, and passionate for the things of God, but for whatever reason, have become lukewarm or even just cold towards the things of God, then here’s what I want you to know today. I want you to know God is not done with you! God still loves you, has always loved you, and will always love you! But most importantly, understand how much He wants you to come back to him. Don’t listen to the lies of the devil, trying to convince you that God is finished with you, or won’t ever work with you again. That’s a lie! Nothing could be further from the truth.

Read all of Luke chapter 15. Read it slowly and prayerfully. Bathe those verses with your tears and with prayer, realizing that if you’re indeed like that prodigal son, or the lost sheep, or the lost coin, God hasn’t abandoned you or forsaken you! Jesus is knocking on the door to your heart, and wants to come back in. (Revelation 3:20) If you feel like you’ve messed up so bad that God can’t or won’t use you anymore, rejoice and take hope! God is waiting for you, longing for you to come back, and re-dedicate your heart and life to Him. All of heaven is waiting with great excitement, anticipation and expectation – eagerly encouraging you to come back to Jesus today!

If the spark has gone out; if the fire for Jesus has been quenched, then its time to re-light your pilot light for the Lord! Pray this simple and sincere prayer, out loud from your heart to the Lord:

Dear Lord Jesus, I am so sorry I’ve sinned and fallen away from you. I ask you to please forgive me of all my sins, mistakes and poor decisions, and ask you once again to really be my Lord and personal Savior. Receive me back Lord, and help me to walk with you, my Lord Jesus, all the days of my life. Thank you Lord, for loving me, saving me, and for rescuing me today. I am yours, and you are mine! Amen!

Praise the Lord! Just like the prodigal son’s father in Luke 15:20-24 , its time to rejoice because one of God’s own has repented and come back to Jesus! We congratulate you, and wish to encourage you to continue on with the Lord, and may the rest of your life in Him be better than anything you ever had before!

What’s next you may ask? Well, let me encourage you to contact me through this website, so that I can help you get back on track in your walk with the Lord.  I can give you or tell you about some great books to read, audio teachings to listen to, and websites to visit.  Let me hear from you!  My contact information is included under the LET’S HEAR FROM YOU tab, so please take a moment and let me know about today’s decision to re-dedicate your life to the Lord! God bless you, and may God’s peace be upon you from the inside out, from this day forward in Jesus’ Name.


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